월간 EOS BP(블록 생성자)회의는 상위 30명의 EOS BP와 EOS 네트워크 재단(ENF) 간의 정기적인 커뮤니케이션을 통해 네트워크 운영자와 커스터디언 간의 열린 대화를 촉진하여 EOS 생태계의 상호 발전을 지원하기 위해 마련되었습니다.
회의 개요
The meeting began at 1:00 UTC on July 19th, 2023. 회의에는 23명의 BP가 참석했으며, 1시간 동안 진행된 토론에 총 27명이 참여했습니다. 다양한 언어를 실시간으로 자유롭게 정보를 주고 받을 수 있도록, 동시 번역을 위해 Interprefy 도구가 사용되었습니다.
Beatrice Wang, Communications Manager for ENF, opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees and gave a brief overview of the topics to be discussed.
ENF Founder and CEO Yves La Rose then presented on several key issues.
First off, Yves thanked the BPs for their quick response in deploying an emergency patch due to a potential vulnerability that had been discovered by ENF engineers. The ENF released the emergency patch on the morning of Monday July 10th, and in less than 24 hours we had more than 15/21 active BPs updated. In 36 hours all 21 had updated. This was the first such security patch deployed since the ENF was created. There was no financial risk to the potential exploit.
ENF Re-Structure
Yves updated the BPs on the internal restructuring which recently occurred in which the ENF let 20+ staff members go, explaining that the foundation was driven to make cuts due to market conditions and the need to continue supporting a wide variety of external funding programs.
Less than three months after the EOS EVM was launched, the main bridge that served the EOS EVM suspended service due to an apparent exploit. At that time the ENF issued this statement. After temporarily restoring service, Multichain bridge once again became unavailable, and Multichain subsequently issued a comprehensive statement explaining that due to actions beyond their control the bridge was down indefinitely. About USD$400k of EOS EVM funds are presently locked in the bridge. EOS was not impacted as much as other blockchains, but as this was our only bridge, and this is a significant impact to us.
Multiple alternative 3rd party bridging services such as Nerve Network, and ChainPort, are on their way and support for native $USDT (EOS) is also a top priority for the trustless $EOS EVM bridge.
EOS EVM Incentive Program (EEIP)
To further advance development on the EOS EVM, the ENF has introduced a new milestone based incentive program for EVM-based applications. This initiative aims to provide up to $50,000 per qualifying dApp deploying on the EOS EVM based on their ability to meet certain KPIs. Over fifteen applications to the EEIP have deployed on the EVM and the team is finalizing another 5 or 6. New projects include bridges, wallets, games and DeFi.
The Upcoming Antelope Leap 5 Consensus Upgrade
A significant consensus upgrade, Antelope Leap 5.0, is on track for launch in Q4 2023, and we are aiming to make the upgrade by the end of November / beginning of December after the release candidates are thoroughly tested.
This upgrade will include: Instant Finality, which will bring the last irreversible block from 180 seconds to a few seconds (~1-3 seconds). Integration of the HotStuff consensus algorithm which offers the network an opportunity to replace DPoS with an alternative consensus mechanism that brings the possibility for block production to be broken down into additional roles. And lastly, significant peer-to-peer protocol enhancements. Together, these upgrades open up a whole new set of features for EOS and other Antelope based chains.
This is a hard fork with breaking changes and we’re going to need everyone’s help and coordination to ensure there is a smooth consensus upgrade. We will continue ramping up communications and sharing additional details over the next several weeks.
For more information, see the ENF’s official announcement of the Antelope Leap 5.0 Consensus Upgrade.
BP Sustainability Survey
The ENF is circulating a voluntary survey to help calculate energy consumption for EOS’ 2023 carbon offsets. The numbers previously being used were from 2018. The survey information will also help drive sustainability marketing materials for EOS. BPs are encouraged to participate by filling out the Block Producer Survey.
Legal Update
The ENF has been working with multiple legal teams to explore all possible avenues, and also discussing the case with financial litigators who are interested in bringing the case. The ENF is looking at what we can do to support the token holders and is preparing a suit against B1 for failure to follow through on its $1B commitment. At the same time, B1 is attempting to settle a separate lawsuit for $22M. The ENF is in communications with the legal teams leading that class-action.
The ENF encourages interested parties to email legal@eosnetwork.com for updates.
*Since the BP meeting, an additional legal update was presented. Review this document for more information about the class action lawsuits against B1.
EOS Labs
Huaqiang Wen (current ENF board member) presented a proposal for EOS Labs, an incubator aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the EOS ecosystem within the intensely challenging Web3 landscape. EOS Labs would serve as an independent organization designed to facilitate ecosystem development while collaborating with existing entities such as ENF (Antelope and Infrastructure Development) and ENV (Venture Capital), to achieve its objectives.
- Data-Driven Approach: Utilizing a data-driven approach, EOS Labs would monitor critical metrics such as Total Value Locked (TVL), daily transactions, daily active addresses, and daily active users to make informed decisions and integrate this data effectively across the ecosystem.
- Ecosystem Coordination: EOS Labs will act as a dedicated team to provide guidance for ecosystem development. This would include conducting market and investment research to identify valuable opportunities within DeFi and the broader Web3 industry.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Research & Incubation: EOS Labs will conduct extensive research on industry trends, DeFi protocols, and niche markets within the Web3 space to identify potential projects and investment opportunities beneficial to EOS.
- Collaboration: EOS Labs will collaborate with projects in the pipeline, including those under the EOS Grant Framework, to assess their value in terms of data, traffic, and their potential contribution to the EOS ecosystem.
- Business Development: By taking on the business development roles currently managed by ENF, EOS Labs aims to further insulate the network from potential securities concerns, ensuring a more secure and robust ecosystem.
Benefits and Justification:
- Maintaining Competitive Edge: In the highly competitive industry, the dedicated efforts of EOS Labs will help EOS to maintain its competitive edge by proactively improving the ecosystem.
- Independent Entity: EOS Labs’ independent status provides the flexibility to focus solely on ecosystem development without any conflicts of interest.
- Enhanced Collaboration: Working alongside ENF and ENV, EOS Labs would help facilitate a seamless flow of information, resources, and funding for the growth of the EOS ecosystem.
Who would lead EOS Labs? 어떤 리소스가 필요합나요?
Huaqiang would lead the EOS Labs, along with a team of about five people, plus researchers, specialists, welcoming referrals of those who are familiar with DeFi and GameFi.
EOS EVM 또는 EOS Native 개발에 중점을 둘 예정입니까?
EOS Labs will focus on the EOS EVM since as we all know the development of DeFi is built around the EVM. While we will focus on the EOS EVM we will not reject any native application. With EOS we have the trustless bridge, and we can connect seamlessly between EOS and EOS EVM, so the choice is on the customer, but we will incubate EOS EVM first.
Will Labs tend to develop a comprehensive ecology or is it more inclined to develop a certain sector first, such as NFT, DeFi, or GameFi?
Overall development is our target for the long run but currently we’re focusing on DEX. Trading is the most important application and we want to develop the data for DEXs. For GameFi, we will continue developing this as well.
I assumed all of what’s being described would be done by the ENV (the incubation/investment), is the ENV no longer going to be doing this?
EOS Labs is more focused on incubation and research where the ENV is more focused on making investments. This is a compliance design, in the future we will attract LPs, the ENV cannot do everything, such as business development, and so forth. Some tasks such as market research overlaps with the ENF, so Labs can take on some of those areas of overlap.
EOS Labs의 자금 지원에 KPI(성과 지표)를 연결하여 가치 추가를 평가하는 계획이 있나요?
현재 ENF는 많은 작업을 수행하고 있지만, ENV가 투자로 제한되는 방식과 유사하게 구조상 할 수 있는 일과 방법에 제한이 있습니다. EOS Labs는 ENF로부터 비즈니스 개발의 많은 기능을 인계받아 그 사이의 가교 역할을 할 것입니다. KPI는 ENF에서 추적하는 방식과 유사합니다. 저희는 이러한 프로그램을 운영하는 방식에서 역할을 분리함으로써 예산의 효율성이 더 높아질 것이라고 생각합니다. EOS Labs는 독립적인 조직으로서 ENF와 동일한 방식으로 블록 생산자에게 책임을 집니다.
For the labs we have KPIs internally, TVL is a very important indicator. 일일 사용자 수와 일일 거래액도 추적하는 데 중요합니다. We mainly focus on the metrics tracking overall ecosystem growth.
How much budget is EOS Labs requesting?
We are still discussing the details. 저희는 프로젝트 팀의 인큐베이팅을 위해 자금을 투자하고 커뮤니티와 BP가 계속 감독하도록 할 것입니다. Of note, this would be a reduction of funding to the ENF, towards Labs, so no additional funding is being contemplated.
What is your background Huaqiang? Can you explain why you are the right leader for EOS Labs?
I joined the EOS ecosystem as a member of a block producer during the EOS super campaign in 2018, responsible for node operations and voting agents, and later launched Kylin Testnet and BOScore (EOS side chain). I have many years of experience in the blockchain industry and am familiar with the exchange and mining pool business. Since 2020, I have been deeply involved in the development of ETH DeFi and the public chain ecology of an exchange, and launched a variety of DeFi products. I am definitely qualified for this job. At the same time, I still hope that more people who love EOS and have rich experience in the development of the Defi ecosystem come to join us, because I may not be able to solve all problems. We need a strong team.
다가오는 이벤트
Yves will be attending Korea Blockchain Week in Seoul. Yves also has previously mentioned the possibility of heading to Hong Kong after the event in Seoul, prior to attending Token 2049 in Singapore. Yves is also still planning to attend the UpBit developer conference in November. 여행 계획은 여전히 변경될 수 있으며, 다른 지역 참석자의 미팅 준비 가능성을 고려하여 사전에 업데이트가 제공될 예정입니다.
블록 프로듀서 참여자 리스트
- GenerEOS
- Newdex
- EOS Nation
- EOSeoul
- Big.ONE
- StartEOS
- Blockpool
- Hashfin
- Defibox
- EOSinfstones
- EOS Asia
- EOSlambdacom
- EOSLaoMao
- EOSphere
- Moreisfuture
- Greymass
- Slowmist
- EOS Titan
EOS 네트워크
EOS 네트워크는 수수료가 거의 없는 트랜잭션의 결정론적 실행을 위한 저지연, 고성능, 확장 가능한 WebAssembly 엔진인 EOS VM으로 구동되는 3세대 블록체인 플랫폼으로, 최적의 web3 사용자 및 개발자 경험을 가능하게 하기 위해 특별히 제작되었습니다. EOS는 EOS 네트워크 재단(ENF)을 통해 도구 및 인프라에 대한 다중 체인 협업 및 공공재 자금 조달의 원동력 역할을 하는 Antelope 프로토콜의 플래그십 블록체인 및 금융센터입니다.
EOS EVM은 EOS 스마트 컨트랙트 내에 포함된 Ethereum EVM의 에뮬레이션입니다. 다른 EVM과 동등한 기능을 제공하지만, 비교할 수 없는 속도와 성능, 호환성을 제공합니다. EOS EVM은 개발자가 다양한 Solidity 기반 디지털 자산과 혁신적인 dApp을 EOS에 배포할 수 있도록 하여 EOS 생태계를 Ethereum 생태계에 연결합니다. 개발자는 EOS EVM을 사용하여 이더리움의 실전 테스트를 거친 오픈 소스 코드, 도구, 라이브러리 및 SDK를 활용하는 동시에 EOS의 뛰어난 성능을 활용할 수 있습니다.
EOS 네트워크 재단
EOS 네트워크 재단(ENF)는 성장하는 탈중앙화 미래에 대한 비전을 통해 구축되었습니다. ENF는 웹3 혁신을 위해 주요 이해관계자들의 참여와 커뮤니티 프로그램, 생태계 펀딩 및 오픈 기술 생태계를 지원하고 있습니다. 2021년에 설립된 ENF는 안정적인 프레임워크, 도구 및 블록체인 개발을 위한 라이브러리 세트를 갖춘 선도적인 오픈소스 플랫폼인 EOS 네트워크를 위한 허브입니다. 저희는 커뮤니티와 함께 구축하고 모두를 위한 더 강력한 미래를 위해 헌신할 수 있는 혁신을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.